Good Health Tips

From the top of your head to the tip of the toe and beginning when we are in our twenties, the body begins to demonstrate signs of old age. The cellular processes in the body begin to slow down, and our organs and tissues start to lose strength in performing their roles.
It is so important that you invest time daily into managing all aspects of your health.

To see significant good health benefits, remember that consistent healthy actions practiced daily become habits and then those habits become an automatic part of our thought process. If you are feeling “under par“, perhaps its time you examined your lifestyle.

What you are doing today is laying down the foundation for tomorrow?

You can begin to improve your health on every level if you consider the following tips:


Almost 80 percent of cardiovascular disease could be prevented by lifestyle changes and amongst the most important of these are dietary changes. Examining your own diet is a great way to improve your health, your energy levels, your waistline and your life. The key to changing your diet, of course, is to change the way you look at food as well as educating yourself on the basics of healthy nutrition. I strongly suggest to quit dieting and instead whole heartedly try embracing clean healthy eating as a lifestyle.

Exercise can improve your mood, stamina and pretty much every aspect of your life. How many more reasons do you need to get moving? Research has found that high intense exercise conducted regularly can make a person as fit as a sedentary person who is 12 years younger. If you are not moving, best start now!

When you stay calm, you have far better control over your emotions. Take some time to focus on your breathing. Breathing in deeply and then releasing that big breath slowly is not only calming but it is also cleansing. When you inhale deeply, you recharge your life energy.


People who are organized have a better chance or remaining calm!


Managing stress levels as part of your daily health and wellness regime should be a priority. Meditation, exercise, relaxation, breathing, yoga. These are all excellent stress management techniques but don’t forget to focus on what you are consuming during stressful situations. What you eat will either aggravate or relieve stress.

Smiling and laughing is vital! Laughing, smiling and adopting a positive mindset lowers the stress hormone cortisol which reduces the effectiveness of your immune system. Laughter is also a great stress reliever. It helps us to see things from a different perspective and often it allows us to connect with others. When we think of good health and wellness, we automatically think of diet and exercise. Often we forget the simplest of acts can contribute to improving our overall health.

JOIN FORCES We spend a lot of hours a week at work. Ensure that you engage in healthy habits in the workplace. If everyone else is unhealthy, don’t use that as an excuse to follow the same path. Instead, use it to inspire and motivate you. Maybe you can get the whole team to adopt healthy habits. A healthy team can improve business dramatically. Mentally and physically, healthy staff will directly translate into improving productivity with the added bonus of less sick days!

If you were to make a list right now of your “life wealth” not your “financial wealth” it would possibly include your family, your friends, your self-esteem, your talents, and hopefully you can include on that list GOOD HEALTH.

Not taking responsibility for your health and wellness can have devastating results not only for you but also for those closest to you.

Invest wisely in your health. The returns are amazing if you do. Feeling well and healthy is priceless.