An Affirmation For Each New Day

Sometimes our thoughts need a little nudge in the right direction and I am a huge advocate for practising mantras and affirmations. Mantras and affirmations actually help to move our attention away from what is negatively impacting us and they gently support us to focus on how we want to really feel – grounded, safe, secure and confident.

Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, repeat the following affirmations to help redirect your thoughts and energy. I have selected one for each day of this week.

It is never too late to introduce practices that will support you mentally, physically and emotionally.

Monday Affirmation
“It is absolutely OK to do things that make me happy”
This affirmation will help you to focus more on your own wants and needs. As we rocket towards the end of another year, it is easy to get lost in all of our commitments. We often put everyone else’s needs before our own, so this mantra will help you to shift your focus back to your own personal needs especially when you are under pressure to be everything to everyone.

Tuesday Affirmation
“I have everything I need right now in this moment”
This affirmation will help to reassure you that you really do have everything you need right now. This is particularly good for when you feel like you don’t have the resources necessary to move forward. It will also gently bring you back to the present moment.
Think about it. You really do have everything you need right now.

Wednesday Affirmation
“I trust the timing of my life”
This affirmation will help you to release the pressure that accompanies all of the challenges and obstacles that often present themselves during the course of any given day. It will help you to release the worry and stress if things don’t seem like they are falling into place naturally.

Thursday Affirmation
“I am grateful for the abundance in my life”
This affirmation will help you to feel supported especially if you are feeling unsupported. It will remind you of how blessed you are and it will help you to put life back into perspective. By acknowledging how much abundance is already in your life, you will invite more abundance into your world.

Friday Affirmation
Just encase you need reminding…you ARE enough and you DO enough. This affirmation also invites you to stop and acknowledge all of your achievements in the past week. You alone are enough and you have absolutely nothing to prove to anybody!

Saturday & Sunday Affirmation
“I cleanse, replenish and ground my energy”
This is a perfect weekend affirmation that will allow you to feel more centred. It can also assist to recharge your energy especially if you are feeling depleted after a full on week. Combine this affirmation with
– rest, healthy food, exercise, meditation and lots of self love.

Jo Ettles