
In this article, I want to focus on authenticity. I know it is a little left of field for me to pick this topic especially when I focus on wellness of the mind, body & spirit, but if you have ever had someone copy your work, your words, your style, your business heart and soul, you will understand the anxiety and frustration it can cause and that alone can affect your whole state of being.

So what does it mean to be authentic? The dictionary describes it as being genuine and original.
My definition of authenticity is  actually knowing who you are at core and working from the heart (YOUR HEART) always.

Is imitation really the sincerest form of flattery?

I don’t think so. I have had my words copied, my articles copied, my Facebook posts copied, my ideas copied, my keynote speeches copied – it is more annoying than uplifting.

Remember – always – YOU are an original. Know who you are and stand in your truth and if you have a message to share, share it from YOUR heart. Don’t pretend to be someone else. It is human nature to emulate others and have role models especially those who are fearless enough to step up and live their truth and follow their life purpose, but find your own vision.Whether you copy someone’s style, their habits, their words, their life, know that YOU WILL FORGO YOUR OWN SENSE OF SELF AND INDIVIDUALITY. There is no authenticity in that. Find and forge your own path because the world needs your unique gifts and your authentic heart. 

Lead from the heart
Real authenticity will not shine through if you are merely mimicking other successful people in the world. People really can sense now-a-days when you are imitating others. Magic WILL happen when you decide to share YOUR message with the world and not someone else’s. Start leading from YOUR heart.

Be the best version of YOU
If you are constantly paying attention to what someone else is doing and if your goals, your business, your daily life is fuelled by someone else’s success, you really are setting yourself up for a fall – eventually. Perhaps someone else’s success is fuelling you to compete with them. If this is the case, it is important to acknowledge that the only person you should compete with is YOURSELF. Shift your focus to being the best version of yourself and what you want to achieve.

Find Genuine Connections
Be mindful of your circle of influence. Seek to surround yourself with people who understand YOU and respect you (not drain the life out of you).When we connect and interact with like minded people, you are always free to be your real and genuine self. Find your tribe because when we are with people who do not judge us but accept us, then we are free and able to express our authentic self.

Be Keenly Self-Aware
The path to self-improvement and really being your most authentic self must start with observing yourself. Becoming more observant and self-aware will allow you to acknowledge and intentionally draw upon your authentic self.

Speak YOUR truth
When we are fully able to honestly express ourselves, passionately, respectfully, openly and with integrity, we truly tap in and access our personal power in a beautifully authentic way. Speak your truth not someone else’s and always speak from the heart.

Your DNA
Have you ever acknowledge how much YOU have to offer the world? Consider this –
Your goals, dreams and aspirations are as unique to you as your DNA.

When you are not being true to yourself, you are not following your life purpose so with that in mind,
be fearless in your pursuit of your true authenticity.
Jo Ettles