Communicating Versus Connecting

Most of us are communicating continuously. Emails, texting, Facebook posting, blogging, tweeting – this form of communication is just a normal part of everyday life in 2018.Technology is truly amazing. It is convenient and it enables us to quite literally communicate with anyone, anytime and anywhere in the world. If you were to STOP right now and consider the number of people you communicate with against the number of people you really connect with, you may be shocked at just how little real human connection you are having on a daily basis.

Right now, I wonder if you would considering the following:-
Outside of the emails, texting and messaging you do over the course of the day, are you taking the time to connect, develop and nurture real relationships?

What’s missing when you text and email?
The answer is emotion, eye contact, touch, body language and connection. When we forgo face-to-face encounters in favour of short cuts, those we are communicating with only receive part of the message.
They miss out on the beautiful emotions, feelings and expressions that accompany the stories you have to share with them.

Here are three questions you can ask yourself to determine whether you are communicating or connecting.

1: In your relationships with those you work with or live with, do you generally ask questions to understand or do you try to be understood?

2. When you engage with people, do you genuinely try to find out about a persons story, their hopes, their dreams, their struggles even or are you more focused on the end result of the conversation.

3. Do you generally listen to what a person is saying or do you focus more on what you want to say in the conversation?

In order to really truly connect with someone, it is important to understand the needs of the person you are connecting with.

Make eye contact
When we make eye contact with a person, we make ourselves vulnerable and available in a way that isn’t possible when we look down or away. It enables a real and deep connection.

Listen to serve
When it comes to really connecting and building relationships, it is fairly typical nowadays that people focus on what they can personally gain from that connection. If you want to connect more deeply and build a strong connection with someone, try focusing on how you can help or serve the other person. Be willing to listen to their stories.

When we really share our stories with others and allow ourselves to be vulnerable, expressing the pain, the fear, the loneliness, the joy, the happiness, the successes, sharing really what it means to just be human, we often learn a lot about the other person as well as ourselves.

Go the extra mile and be unforgettable
Being memorable and connecting isn’t that hard. Hand write letters, send personal and beautifully written thank you notes, really pay attention to the people around you,but most importantly be genuine.
The world will see through anything short of that!

Real strong connections can only result when you put in the effort to nurture and respect all relationships, from colleagues to friends to loved ones. Human connection is vital to your wellness.
Research points to the massive benefits of social connection.
Increased wellness – Increased happiness – A longer life.
Make the effort to really strengthen your connections today.
Open your eyes, open your heart and really reach out and connect.

My wish for you is peace and real connection.
The kind that lights you up from the inside.
Jo Ettles