Have a POSITIVE self image – Its good for your health.

Having a positive self image is vital for good health!

It is important to remind yourself just how fantastic you really are (incase you have forgotten)!

You should respect your body and treat it accordingly. Instead of continuously examining your negative points or imperfections, focus on all the positives.

Acknowledge your positive attributes and appreciate them and accentuate them.  Stop focusing on the parts of you that you see as not great!

Your self image is reflected for all the world to see and you need to believe in yourself every day.

If you consistently obsess about what is wrong with you, then you will never have anything right with you!

There are many ways a person can change negative thoughts and self-criticism to more positive thoughts. Reminding yourself of  all of your positive attributes can change your self-esteem and your life.

Let your self image be a reflection of the true you and dig down deep and look at all the amazing qualities you have inside and out and let them shine through.

People often feel more comfortable treating themselves in ways they wouldn’t consider treating others. Remind yourself that you deserve to be treated as well as you treat everyone else.

If you over eat, comfort eat, put your self down, berate yourself then imagine you are three years old.

If you had a three year old child in front of you that was upset, what would you do?

Wouldn’t you nurture that child and try to heal and comfort them?

Be kind to yourself!

Start to love and approve of yourself.

Nurture yourself with good healthy food and relaxation.

Reward yourself with healthy eating not sweets and treats that will sabotage your wellness.

Look after your body, mind and soul.

This is the only body you have got to live in so take care of it. You are responsible for your self image so treat yourself with respect and love.

Do something nice for yourself as often as you can either in thought (give yourself a compliment) or action.

Having a positive self image is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself.