Natures Health Tonic

There are countless benefits from drinking water!

Think of water as liquid health. It’s the HEALTHIEST thing you can consume!

We often tend to overlook the simple solutions in life.
Drinking  water will enhance your health, and help with fitness and weight management.
The benefits of  drinking water are numerous.

Our body needs water so it can lubricate all your joints and eyes, moisturizes your skin, maintains muscle tone, aids digestion, eliminates toxic waste, prevents constipation, transports nutrients around your body and supports the central nervous system, which in turn reduces stress. Water is certainly natures secret to a healthy body and it’s FREE!  

Let’s look at the many benefits of drinking water.

Fibre needs water to work. When we don’t drink enough water, our bodies absorb it from our waste, leaving stools hard and difficult to pass.

Most importantly, your brain cannot function properly without adequate water.

The short-term effects of dehydration include, nausea, fatigue, lethargy, headaches and fainting.

Even mild dehydration can slow down a person’s metabolism by up to 3 %.  

Remember that you don’t just need  to drink water when you feel thirsty,in fact, thirst is one of the signals that your body is low on water. You should rarely allow yourself to become thirsty.

Drink 6 – 8 glasses of water daily.

Try the following tips to help with your water consumption and reap the benefits of drinking water;

Carry a bottle of  drinking water with you when driving and take a sip of water at each red light.

Have two glasses of water at each meal. (Before and after)

Have water in the fridge and eliminate other drinks.

Start drinking water right now!

Water hydrates your skin and flushes out toxins and helps to relieve fluid retention AND it is free.

Did you know that if there is ever a time to make sure you are hydrated, it is when you have a cold or flu? Sipping warm water with a little lemon juice will help decrease the mucus from a cold and provide a little extra vitamin C.

Remember, water is your greatest weight loss tonic and health elixor!