Do You Want To Feel Lighter?

Do you want to feel lighter this week?
Well this article holds some important key tips that will help you to feel lighter and happier.

Over the years, I have been told by well meaning people that –
I am over generous, I need to establish more boundaries,I work too hard, my goals are too high to reach,
I need to learn patience and the list goes on and on and on. I have always kept in mind though that these well meaning people who so freely advise me on how to live my life are actually not living theirs.

I must admit, for a while there, I did pull back and change my actions according to other peoples opinions but I have decided that it is time to care less about opinions and advice and continue to spread good energy my way. You see for me, investing my energy into lifting people up, gives me an enormous personal energy return. It feels right to reach out to people.

One of the greatest tools for an abundant life is this-
Be abundantly free flowing yourself. If you are naturally warm and generous, be a leader and live your life fully on your terms and continue to do those things that make you come alive.

With that in mind, here are some major things to let go of this week and I hope that they will help you to feel lighter, happier and more confident about your life choices.

Let go of – What others think of you
Many of us have been conditioned to think that we should BE a certain way, DO things a certain way, ACT a certain way and this in itself is a false belief that prevents everyone from moving forward. It also destroys authenticity.When you come from a place of peace and love, then you are free to do whatever you like. Quite simply, dance to your own beat. This is your life. Only YOU can define yourself, your choices, your life.

Remove the word FAILURE from your vocab
Learn from every mistake and every hurdle that you experience. Challenges, hurdles and even your mistakes occur to teach you and force you into perhaps taking a different direction. These challenges and hurdles are simply detour signs along life’s road encouraging you to find another way to succeed.

Let go of – Being good enough
We live in a competitive world that is for certain. It is healthy and normal to want to always improve ourselves but it is not healthy to internalise any thoughts that focus on NOT BEING GOOD ENOUGH. Interupt this kind of thinking. Always focus on what you have achieved, how far you have come and all the positive things that you do on a daily basis. Forgo the whole – not being good enough craziness. You are good enough and great enough right now…so BACK YOURSELF.

Let go of – People pleasing
I have made a concerted effort over the years to recognise the difference between-
GOODWILL – sharing good energy with family, friends, colleagues and the world and then also acknowledging the energetically exhausting act of PEOPLE PLEASING. It is really important to notice the feelings associated with lifting someone up and doing something to help from the heart -as opposed to doing something for someone out of obligation or manipulation. When you learn to recognise the difference between the two, you will begin to manage your own energy better and you will be able to make better choices on where to invest your personal energy.

Let go of – What ifs and overthinking
How many absurd truths and stories have you created in your head about situations that have never, ever come true? What forces us to create the worst possible scenarios in our heads? I think we are all guilty of doing it but it can lead to anxiety and unnecessary stress. How can we break this pattern?The first and easiest thing you can do when you find yourself caught up in this pattern is just – BREATHE. Deep breathing will relax you, calm you and connect you to what is most important – The present moment.

Always remember to shine brightly.The world needs more light.
Jo Ettles