Living Versus Existing

In the last couple of weeks, I have fallen into many conversations with friends and clients about our lives and whether we are really LIVING or just EXISTING. Perhaps this happened to me because I needed a nudge from the universe to remind me that each day is a gift and should not be wasted.

Too often we go through life on autopilot. We just go through the motions managing our commitments and each day passes just like the one before it. If life has become a little routine lately and maybe your days are filled with obligatory duties and YOU feel like you are just existing,perhaps this quote may help you to shake things up a bit….”Don”t live the same year 75 times and call it a life” – Robin Sharma

Create a morning ritual that inspires and energises you
Wake early and greet the day with joy. Watch the sun rise and soak up how amazing that is in itself. Tell yourself…. that you will not waste this day because it is a precious gift. Stretch and meditate as part of your morning ritual. Begin the day in a state of gratitude.

Rediscover what’s important to you
Take some timeout and make a list of everything that’s really important to you. Place that list in a prominent place so it is visible. Even if you just create some time and space for one thing that is on that list this week, then you are making positive steps towards living a more joyous, fulfilled life.

No Thank You!
Learn to say no with ease.
There is something so deliciously empowering when we say NO to doing those things that we really don’t want to do! You don’t have to be rude about saying NO but it is important to start letting go of doing things out of obligation. The world wont fall apart if you say No to people.

YOU time
Schedule this into your diary right now…… “ME” time.
This time is just as essential as everything else that is scheduled into your week. Set aside time to do nothing, to do anything or to do whatever it is that makes you feel alive and energised.

Do things today that your future self will thank you for
What you do every day matters more than what you do every once in a while.
What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it….so for that reason, make sure what you are doing is worthwhile.

Take a chance
What do you really want to do?
Do you have a passion to write, start a side business, paint, join a class, study something new, then make it happen. Every time you think “someday I will do that” or “when I have more time I will do that” – STOP. Ask yourself, “Why not now?” Start doing the things you always planned to do. Make it happen.

Live Life To The Fullest Because It Only Happens Once!