It’s a brand new year and some of us know exactly where we are going. We have plans in place, we have clear direction on what we want to achieve and we have already begun the process of creating our vision for 2019.
But what happens if we find ourselves at a dead end, or a huge crossroads, or on a path that seems to be going nowhere?
lf you have begun 2019 in a state of confusion about how to move forward with any area of your life, if you are uncertain how to proceed, then take the time to re-evaluate every area of your life.
Ask yourself questions….
big ones, small ones, hard ones and everything in between. Take the time to acknowledge what is working and what isn’t working in your world. It is important to acknowledge what matters to us so we can get clear on the direction we want to take.
Every day, not just January 1st is a chance to change your life and your direction for the better.
“I see my path, but I don’t know where it leads.
Not knowing where I am going is what inspires me to travel it.”
Rosalia De Castro
Go within
If you feel overwhelmed with any area of your life, take heart in knowing that every answer you ever need regarding your life is always at your disposal. All you need to do is have faith in yourself and your own guidance and then begin to tap into that guidance. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, become still and focus on moving forwards with the emphasis being on what is best for you. Give yourself enough time to really tap into your own inner wisdom. Trust what you feel, hear and see.
You know what’s best.
Honor your truth
It is often the case we seek advice from friends, family and even colleagues when we are confused about what direction we should take with our lives. This can be helpful if the person you are confiding in truly has your best interest at heart. But be mindful to move right away from what others think you SHOULD do, especially if it is NOT what you want to do and honor your truth. Always move in the direction that resonates with YOU, not someone else. Crossroads occur time and time again throughout our lives but if you think about it….crossroads give you the opportunity to explore your next level. Accept and embrace them and see a crossroads as a positive opportunity.
Don’t rush the process
When we are at a crossroads, we often rush decision making in order to begin the process of moving forwards and away from the confusion associated with which direction to take. When you are faced with a crossroads, don’t rush the decision making process. Crossroads continuously appear and they give you the opportunity to re-examine your life and the choices you have made so far, so really trust the importance of being right here right now. This is a good thing so embrace a crossroads for what it is…a chance to make better decisions and improve your life.
You ARE in control, even though you may feel out of control.
You absolutely have total control over every thought and action you take, so be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions. Every positive thought, word and action is a stepping stone that has the potential to lead you towards something great.
If you are at a crossroads and feel overwhelmed about your future, ask yourself the following questions to help get clarity around your life.
What is most important to me in my life?
Do my actions support what is most important to me?
What is my intuition telling me about the way forward?
What am I not seeing clearly?
What am I avoiding and what excuses am I making?
What areas of my life need decluttering so I can lighten the load and open up those pathways to opportunity?
There really is no right or wrong way to go when you’re at a crossroads – there’s only your way and remember that it is OK to not have all the answers right now.
Whatever direction you choose, remember, the universe always creates a pathway for you,, so no matter which road you travel, the importance is on not what you do but how you do it!
Wishing you wellness in mind, body & spirit
Jo Ettles