I can’t believe that Christmas is just around the corner and we will soon be stepping into 2019. I was chatting with some colleagues the other day and we all agreed that 2018 has flown by with lightning speed. 2018 was another interesting year for me personally. It was filled with challenges, loss and grief, some real uphill battles but equally it was filled with love, joy, peace, success, some huge AHA moments and of course, many lessons.
I was also blessed to have connected with so many incredibly inspiring people who are all committed to living their lives with real purpose and passion. Every single client I worked with this year inspired me in some unique way.
This is the time of the year that people naturally start to express their relief that it is almost over. You only have to scroll through social media feeds to read the endless posts saying – Thank God it is almost behind us! Bring on 2019! Worst year ever! Annus Horribilis!
It really is human nature to focus on all of the negative things experienced more intensely and in more detail than the positive ones and it seems that there may be an evolutionary basis for this. Studies have shown that individuals who were more attuned to bad things and potential danger would have been more likely to survive threats in the Stone Age and consequently, this in itself would have increased the probability of surviving long term. It seems that survival back then required urgent attention to possible bad outcomes and way less urgent attention with regard to good ones. Based on this theory, it seems that our capacity to weigh negative input so heavily has most likely evolved for a very good reason—to keep us out of harm’s way.
After reading some really interesting studies on human psychology and our brains negative bias, I have come to the conclusion that I would never have survived the Stone Age. Had I been faced with a Sabre Tooth Tiger or a Woolly Mammoth, I would have more than likely been so taken with their greatness and beauty, I would have been oblivious to the threat that they imposed, and consequently, I would have been history! My ability to look for the good would have easily outweighed any threat.
Life is filled with highs and lows, valleys and peaks that will test your resilience, that will push you to overcome challenges, and the lessons you’ll learn on your way to the top will only make you stronger and better.
As we move towards the end of 2018, take the time to focus on the gifts that you received this past year. Even in our darkest of times, I can assure you that if you look hard enough, there is always a gift. When we spend more time counting our blessings and acknowledging all of the positives in our lives, little by little, the act of gratitude really does tip the scales toward a happier and more beautiful life. While you acknowledge your gifts, remember that every new day is a gift. It’s a gift denied to so many. A new day is a new beginning and another chance to change your life for the better. Just as importantly, a New Year is also a chance to reflect, reset and begin again.
Let’s finish 2018 focusing on all the good and let’s embrace 2019 with optimism. Let’s look back with love and gratitude and let’s look forward with hope and confidence for a better, brighter and even more beautiful future, not just for ourselves but for all of humanity.
Like every year past, I intend to finish 2018 counting my blessings, not my problems and in the true spirit of Christmas, I will acknowledge the small things, the big things and everything in between. If you want to begin 2019 feeling prosperous, look back with gratitude. True prosperity and living a rich life can only emerge from appreciating what you already have and all that you have learnt.
If you are currently writing a Christmas TO DO list, I hope you will consider including the following –
Slow down and pace yourself. What is the rush? Breathe deeply when you are feeling overwhelmed.
Give gifts made with love or give gifts of your time to family and friends. They mean more when they come from the heart.
Focus on being present. We can miss out on the most precious of moments that are happening continuously when we take for granted what is right in front of us.
Be kind to everyone you encounter, especially those under pressure to meet Christmas demands. It costs nothing to be courteous, gracious and in fact, it will uplift your spirits as well as the energy of all those around you.
Acknowledge your colleagues, friends and loved ones. Especially those that have supported you throughout the year unconditionally. Forgo the gifts. Words of gratitude are priceless.
Really stop and give thanks for all that is wonderful in your life. Do you have a roof over your head, a warm bed, family and friends who love you, the ability to choose, access to fresh food, healthcare? Then you are truly blessed.
Instead of focusing on what you will get, how about focusing on what you can give. Can you change someone else’s life for the better this Christmas? Can you donate time, perform an act of kindness or even donate money to a charity?
When you think about your intentions for 2019, don’t forget to include goals like –
✔Live in the moment
✔Pay it forward
✔Be grateful
✔Practice patience
✔Practice forgiveness
✔ Keep it simple
✔Live with passion
✔Live with purpose
One of the greatest ways that you can show love to your family this Christmas is to invest in yourself. Be responsible for your own health and wellness on every level. Be mindful of your actions, your energy and the energy you share with each other and the world. Wishing you more love, less stress, true prosperity and an abundance of health and wellness for the festive season and the New Year. – Jo Ettles