There are a plethora of excuses available to all of us at any given moment. Every excuse is capable of limiting us from reaching our full potential and improving our life. Whether it is not taking care of ourselves, not working towards our goals and visions, not improving what needs to be improved, it is quite easy to find excuses that rationalise our actions as to why we cant.
When it comes to changing our lives for the better, excuses are more often than not the main reason why people are unable to achieve what they want to achieve. If you are already finding ways to support why you can’t….one of the best habits you can get into right now is to –STOP MAKING EXCUSES and instead, start taking the steps, even if they are baby steps, that are necessary to help you achieve what you want out of life.
Really, there are only two options….
make changes or make excuses!
I hope the following tips challenge you to stop with the excuses…
Is this true?
It is really important that we have narratives that help us make sense of our lives but it is more important that these narratives are supporting us in a positive way. If your narratives are full of excuses that let you off the hook when something seems too hard or too challenging, it is time to tell yourself a different story. Pay attention to when you are making an excuse. Recognize the excuses and stories you are running and ask yourself – is this true? Chances are, the stories that you are telling yourself about how and why you can’t, are absolutely NOT TRUE.
Nothing is permanent. You can create a new and powerful, positive story anytime you want. You can change anything at any time. Do your stories need a little edit or perhaps a total rewrite?
BUT nothing!
Stop ending your sentences with but…….
I hear this word a lot especially in sessions.
“ I would love to achieve that, but……..” you get what I mean.
The word BUT has the power to stop you from moving forwards. It has the power to stop you from participating in activities that could add so much joy and value to your life. Consider the word BUT to be a roadblock or an obstacle that stops you in your tracks. This week, pay attention to how many times you use the word BUT in a sentence. This simple activity will really help you to identify how many times you make excuses.
What are your strengths?
Excuses support our shortcomings and tend to focus on our weaknesses. When we focus on why we can’t do something, it lowers our vibration and reduces our energy. When you find yourself making excuses, pay attention to how it makes you feel, and I mean really pay attention to how it depletes you on every level. Interrupt this process by focussing on your strengths.
What can you do? What are you capable of? What makes you feel strong?
Use these strengths to support you and fuel you. The right mindset is crucial to change.
Excuses are easier
Excuses are an easier option because they allow us to stay in our comfort zone. In 2019, you can either accept this option or you can eliminate all of your excuses and take control of your future. It’s one thing to say you have control of your life and another to actually take control.
The key to change is to first become aware of the excuses you use.
Here are some questions to ask yourself during the process –
What excuses do I tend to make?
How often do I make them?
Do I use the same excuses often?
What am I settling for?
Why am I making these excuses?
How do these excuses prevent me from moving forward?
Here’s the thing….
Your life is important and you matter.
When you routinely make excuses for why you can’t do something when deep down you know you really can, you sell yourself and the rest of the people in your world short. This week, have the courage to STOP making excuses and start making changes.
Jo Ettles