When was the last time you performed an act of kindness with absolutely no expectation for anything in return? When given freely, an act of kindness is the most valuable gift you could ever give someone. The universe is forever presenting us with opportunities to respond generously with kindness.Do you ignore these opportunities, or do you acknowledge them and act upon them?
In today’s stressful world, we are subject to more and more aggression. There is no time like the present to take up the challenge to be kind. For every act of kindness you do, you give out an abundance of positive, warm, uplifting energy to the universe. There is no act of kindness too small. The simplest of gestures can affect many lives for the better. A kind word or an act performed with no expectations will contribute in a major way to changing our world’s current energy.
The Dalai Lama said –
“Love and compassion are necessities,not luxuries.Without them,humanity cannot survive.”
and with that in mind, remember, kindness inspires kindness and it is the simplest of acts that can change someone’s day. Kindness has the exponential power to heal relationships, mend hearts and transform how we think, feel, and behave. It has the power to heal the world.
This week, let’s all be kinder to ourselves and each other………..
Kindness is cyclical
If one extends love, compassion and kindness out into the world, it will always work it’s way back around.Taking the time to perform random acts of kindness allows us to experience more love, compassion and kindness on the deepest of levels. Even the smallest acts of kindness have the capacity to create profound, positive energy not just for the recipient but for the person performing the act. Kindness is the most under-rated and beautiful energy exchange that we can share with others.
Hold space – a beautiful act of kindness from the heart
To hold space simply means that we are willing to just be with someone no matter what they are going through without trying to change them or fix them. It is about supporting with an open heart and without judgement. Holding space for someone who is struggling is a beautiful and healing act of kindness.
Interact with people
Make an effort to look for ways to spread kindness.
Simple gestures like opening doors, acknowledging and helping strangers who may be struggling in some way or even just letting someone go before you in a queue is a perfect way to spread some kindness When you are next in a crowd, or a shopping centre surrounded by chaos, slow down and find simple ways to be kind. It is the simplest of acts that can change some-ones day for the better.
Word power
Tell someone today how much you love and value them and really mean it. Let the people in your life, your colleagues, your friends, your neighbours, your family know how much you appreciate them. Express your feelings of gratitude to them with words. Words are powerful and mean so much when they flow from the heart, and remember to listen. Give your full attention when you are sharing conversations and listen with every single one of your senses.
Take the time to really connect with your community. When you step outside and start engaging with the people around you, sharing their stories and embracing what they are contributing to the world, you will find all sorts of opportunities to allow you to spread kindness.
Be kind to yourself
Dont forget to be kind to yourself. You are human and you are doing the best you can.
Remember that you – also, deserve your own generosity, compassion and kindness.
Through kindness, we gently release and dissolve any negative energy that we might be carrying.
This then makes kindness a powerful healing act that we can give to ourselves. When we have cultivated kindness within ourselves, genuinely extending kindness to others becomes effortless.
Change the energy of the world
The healing powers of kindness are bountiful. I implore you to open up your heart and give generously from your ability to be kind. Start filling your heart and the hearts of others with love and kindness. If we create a new culture, one that is based on kindness, we can quite literally raise the vibrational energy of our world. There is no better time than now to be kind. Kindness changes everything. When we’re truly thinking of others, it’s physically impossible to be worrying about ourselves.
Wishing you love, peace and happiness