Letting go of the OUTCOME

Whenever I start a project, plan a dream or set a goal, I always have serious expectations associated with the outcome of my vision. From start to finish, the story is planned perfectly in my mind. But seriously, I have experienced some real frustration and disappointment when the outcome of the dream/vision is completely different to what I had created in my head!

Because of this, I always let go of fixed ideas associated with everything in my life and trust that what will be …will be. This act of releasing the expected outcome and allowing things to take their natural course has changed my life for the better.

But how do you let go of something that is so important to you?
What if your emotional attachment to the outcome effects your finances, your life, your work, your relationships, your desires, your plans, your hopes, your dreams?

How on earth do you let go and just trust that things will work out for the best? 

I’ve learned to let go and trust in the  power of the universe. I’ve finally come to realize that by trying to control  the outcome of every situation, this act in itself limits my potential and seriously blocks the flow of something better than expected to happen.

If you are struggling with flow in your life or if you are just struggling in general….
maybe it is time to let go of the emotional attachment to expected outcomes. It can bring you a whole lot of peace if you embrace allowing instead of controlling.

Allowing versus Controlling
You actually have a choice. You can live your life allowing or controlling.
When you find  that you are controlling a situation or are seriously attached to a particular outcome, it is easy to become stressed and anxious. Things flow much better and more smoothly when  we give up the need to control and instead just allow things to happen. Now that doesnt mean we stop working towards the desired outcome, it just means that if we trust that we’re okay no matter what circumstances come our way, we  release a whole lot of stress and anxiety and instead  open ourselves up to all sorts of wonderful possibilities that perhaps would not happen if we are so totally attched to what we consider to be the perfect path to follow.

Let it be
It can take some work but practice makes perfect so start practicing – letting things be. Now that doesn’t mean that you can’t actively work  at creating a wonderful life, instead it means becoming fully present and totally engaged in the moment. Instead of worrying about what WILL be, just LET it be. Come from a place of acceptance – accepting that everything will work out as intended. Expectations set in stone can certainly result in disappointment. If we are attached to a certain outcome, it can be devestating when things do not follow as expected.Let the outcome BE.

Become aware
Pay attention to how often you are focussing on expectations. When you find that you’re assessing an outcome before it’s time and the focus on that outcome becomes all consuming,
that is the exact moment to let go of it.
Remove it from your thoughts and choose to let life run its course.

Think about it…
What if, instead of trying to be in constant control, you simply surrendered control to something bigger than yourself? What if, instead of working so hard to figure out every last answer, you allowed yourself to be guided?  I am grateful everyday for my awareness and I trust my intuition completely allowing it to lead me forward as intended. I am open to signs, I pay attention to my gut feelings  and I listen to those subtle messages and nudges from the universe that constantly point me in the right direction. Do you?

Meditate to control the crazy energy
Sometimes life leaves us hanging in a state of limbo. Maybe we are waiting for something important to be confirmed like a promotion, a job or even results from a medical test. Perhaps you have created a business and it is not panning out the way you planned. The energy associated with not having control can be frantic. When you feel out of control, take a few minutes to meditate. Find your center and calm your mind. 

Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra wrote a book called The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.
One of his laws is- The Law Of Detachment. See below….

1. Today I will commit myself to detachment. I will allow myself and those around me the freedom to be as they are. I will not rigidly impose my idea of how things should be. I will not force solutions on problems, thereby creating new problems. I will participate in everything with detached involvement.

2. Today I will factor in uncertainty as an essential ingredient of my experience. In my willingness to accept uncertainty, solutions will spontaneously emerge out of the problem, out of the confusion, disorder, and chaos. The more uncertain things seem to be, the more secure I will feel, because uncertainty is my path to freedom. Through the wisdom of uncertainty, I will find my security.

3. I will step into the field of all possibilities and anticipate the excitement that can occur when I remain open to an infinity of choices. When I step into the field of all possibilities, I will experience all the fun, adventure, magic, and mystery of life.

Now with all that in mind, perhaps it is worthwhile thinking of detachment as a positive thing that has the potential for unlimited possibilities.

Wishing you wellness in Mind, Body & Spirit
Jo Ettles