Listen to your body

Your body is constantly communicating with you. Are you paying attention?

When you really listen to the signs and symptoms your body is giving you, whether it be hunger, pain or fatigue, you are actually developing an understanding of what it needs and when it needs it.

If you pay more attention to these signs and signals and then look at your lifestyle choices, you can begin to work out the key to your personal wellness. Good health doesn’t need to be complicated. Getting in touch with your body and addressing problems will contribute to restoring good health.

If you spend most of your days on Google searching for miracle cures and the secret to wellness and anti aging, understand that you can actually just trust your body to keep you well informed of what is right and what is wrong.

Often we ignore the crucial messages our bodies are sending us even when the warning signals are strong and the fall out severe. Take notice and listen to your body. Dont ignore pain, anxiety, stress, fatigue and niggling afflictions. This is your body signalling you to pay attention. Your body is responsive and intelligent so why do so many of us just band aid health issues and ignore potential problems? Often, simple lifestyle changes can prevent massive health challenges.

Every cell in your body reacts to negative emotions, injury, unhealthy relationships,unhealthy food,too much alcohol, stress, allergens and so much more. Our body will react when it is not happy reminding us to take action.

If we stop ignoring and start to recognise symptoms as warnings, we can then take positive action to address health problems before they escalate.

If you are thirsty, your body is signalling you that you are dehydrated.
If you are fatigued constantly, perhaps your diet needs attention.
Pain is a sign of inflammation.
Stress and anxiety can be a symptom of overload.
Whatever the issue, your body is sending you messages, whether you are fully aware of them or not. Signals vary from person to person which is why its important to learn to interpret your body’s individual messages. We are all wired differently, so what is right for one person may not be right for you. You are unique.

When your body is giving little signals letting you know that something requires attention, simple prompt action is sometimes all it takes to ward off major health challenges.

The choices you make today with regards to your health influence whether you maintain vitality and wellness as you age or whether or not you develop illnesses and disabling conditions.

Getting in touch, learning to listen and then adopting positive healthy lifestyle changes is the key to maintaining vitality and wellness as well as fighting disease.

ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. It is smarter than you think

Eat cleanly
When you eat clean healthy foods, the benefits are visible from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and you will certainly feel the difference on the inside.

Be physically active
Exercise is the miracle cure for so many problems – stress, fatigue, obesity, high blood pressure, the list is endless.

Get adequate, quality sleep
If you are not getting enough quality sleep, your memory, wellness, energy and even ability to lose weight can suffer.

Stay well hydrated Water is involved in so many processes in the body. Being just 2% dehydrated can start to hinder your body’s ability to perform at it’s best.

Manage stress
Stress can lead to physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, confusion, elevated blood pressure, disrupted sleep and even heart issues. If you look to alcohol, tobacco or even drugs to try and manage your stress, expect more health problems.

Meditate to reconnect to your body and become more aware. Meditation can assist in many health conditions including anxiety disorders, depression, fatigue, high blood pressure and pain. Sleep problems can be improved with meditation.

Don’t ignore niggling health issues. Often just getting back to basics and taking a holistic, simple approach to wellness can bring huge benefits.

Your body is constantly providing you with information. Are you listening? If you listen to your body when it whispers, you wont have to hear it scream!

Jo Ettles