For the month of February 2019, I am focussing on self-esteem building with all of my clients and in all of my published articles. A solid amount of self-esteem is the strongest foundation upon which you can consciously create your life.
This Thursday, February 14th 2019 is Valentine’s Day. Although Valentine’s Day itself has some pretty dark roots attached, it is has become a yearly tradition for many to celebrate love, affection, and admiration.
Whether you celebrate this annual day of love or not, take the time this week to fall in love with yourself and check up on your self-esteem levels this Valentine’s day.
Although it is beautiful to acknowledge the people we love and admire, how often do we stop to consider how much we love and respect ourselves?
Whether you’re single, married or in a relationship, loving and appreciating yourself really is the most important thing you can do this Valentine’s Day — or on any day really!
I hope the following tips remind you to work on loving YOURSELF more this week.
Note to self- Nobody’s perfect
Always strive to be the best version of yourself, but it’s also important to accept that perfection is an unrealistic goal.
There will be NO self-judgment thankyou
How often do you say to yourself that you need to lose weight, or you wished you were a certain size or you want to be more like x, y, and z.
Judging yourself is a sure fire way to deplete your self-esteem levels. When you next notice that you are comparing yourself to others or judging yourself, take a moment to remind yourself that this is definitely not supporting you in a positive way. Replace comparisons and judgments with loving, positive and empowering thoughts that honor you.
Take a 2-minute self-appreciation break.
If self-love and building self-esteem feels unfamiliar, a simple and easy way to begin working on increasing both is to take 2 minutes each and every day for one month to appreciate yourself –
Here’s what you need to do daily:
Set aside 2 minutes every day
Take a deep and cleansing breath in and out.
Slow right down and ask yourself… What are 3 things I can appreciate about myself right now?
If the mental picture that you hold about yourself is not the best in the world, you definitely need to take the time every day to work on improving this – and appreciating yourself times 3 is a great practice to incorporate into your day. These short bursts of positivity can fill you with love, self-esteem and a deep appreciation for yourself.
Step outside
We all know that fresh air and sunshine are good for us, but it turns out they are also good for building self-esteem levels! According to a study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, getting some activity outdoors for just five minutes can improve self-esteem. This could mean something quick and simple, like a short bike ride, a walk in the fresh air or even eating your lunch out in the sunshine during work hours. Take mini-breaks often.
Spend time getting to know yourself. Take time to identify who you are. Some things to think about include-
• identifying your strengths and talents
• acknowledging your value and worth, uncovering your passions
• understanding your values and what’s important to you
• thinking about how you want to serve or contribute to the world
” To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong relationship”Oscar Wilde