Come On Get Happy

It is often in our search for happiness that we find ourselves to be at our unhappiest. So many people equate happiness to material wealth, relationships and financial success. If you think that the key to happiness lies in finding your soul mate or achieving fame and fortune, think again. The energy you waste, the frustration associated with the search, the struggles that accompany the waiting can often lead to great frustration and unhappiness. We all aspire to find love, success and abundance, but if we are so preoccupied with the search, we may miss out on witnessing the many opportunities that the universe presents us with to fill ourselves with happiness.

So with that in mind, I hope these simple reminders help you to-
GET YOUR HAPPY ON!!! Remember to participate in the sheer joy of happiness.

Connect with people who are happy
Both positive and negative energy is contagious, so choose to surround yourself with people who bring real happiness into your life. Spending too much time with people who drain you for all the wrong reasons will deplete you of your very valuable energy, so make a concerted effort to share space with people who are happy and are willing to spread joy freely.

Be yourself
Sometimes you just need to realise that you don’t have to become a different person to change your life. You actually just need to be yourself. You were born to be real. BELIEVE in yourself. You are your own source of happiness.

Happiness comes from giving
Invest some time and energy and give generously from your ability to be kind. Kindness and generosity of spirit will literally open up the floodgates to happiness. Don’t believe me? I promise you it will change your life and the lives of so many around you. Give from your heart. It will fill you up like nothing else.

Let go of what your life should look like
Nothing good ever comes from comparing your own life to anyone else’s. Yet, whether we are comparing our home size, pay check, physical features, or any number of measurable and even immeasurable things, so many of us are guilty of doing it. Your life is YOUR life. It is your journey and focusing your energy on all that is wonderful in your world is a much better way to create a happy life. How your life measures up against others holds absolutely no importance.

Count your blessings
If you take the time to stop and acknowledge how blessed you are, you will realise that you are already extremely rich and have many reasons to feel happy.If you are surrounded by loved ones and are warm, healthy and not hungry, acknowledge your blessings and give thanks. The source of happiness is love and peace.

Our world focuses on happiness and treats unhappiness as an unnecessary feeling. It is ok to feel unhappy, we are all human, but if you cant find any reason to feel happy or if your unhappiness is overwhelming , always, always reach out for help.

Try these quick tips to change your mood
Inhale a calming scent / Flip through old photos/ Put your fave music on
Kiss someone/ Sing/ Dance

Jo Ettles