I Am Worthy

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When it comes to your selfworth, there is only one opinion that ever really matters — your own.

Your self-worth should not  be based on external actions or material belongings. Instead it should be measured against your inherent true worth as a person. Just for a moment, imagine if everything you had was suddenly taken away from you- things like possessions, your job, your finances, your friends and even your relationships.
While imagining this scenario, ask yourself the following…

What if all I had left was just myself?  How would that make me feel? How would I cope?

It’s interesting because how you feel about yourself after everything has been taken away is essentially a really good measure of how much self-worth you possess.

If your self- worth is high, having everything taken from you simply wont change you as a person. In fact, it will fuel you to cope and continue striving to live your best life regardless of the challenges  because you just don’t measure your value upon external circumstances.
Stop and pause a moment and think about your own self- worth.
Always remember this- you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.
Your life gets better when you do, so invest in yourself.

You are worthy

 When it comes to your relationship with yourself, you can be your own best friend or….
your own worst enemy. Any internalized dialogue of critical and negative thoughts about yourself undermines our sense of self-worth and can even lead to self-destructive behaviors.With that in  mind, tell yourself that you are important, deserving, loving, intelligent, compassionate, brave, true,
strong and worthy until you finally realize that you are.

 Don’t compare
It’s a no win situation to compare your life with someone else’s because there will always be people who appear to have it all. It is easy to form an opinion about someones life, especially  after viewing their perfect slideshow, photo gallery or live video on Facebook!
How you measure up against another person holds absolutely no importance in your life.
Live your life with purpose. Be too busy watering your own grass to even notice if someone else’s is greener. You won’t be distracted by comparison if you are captivated by purpose.

 Self-worth can also be fostered by practicing self-compassion. Self-compassion is the practice of treating yourself with the same kindness and compassion as you would treat a friend or a loved one. Be accepting, open and loving towards yourself. Remember that difficult times are a normal part of the human experience. Acknowledge and notice when you are suffering or feeling less than your best and be kind and caring in response to your own suffering.

Recognize your rarity
There isn’t a single human alive that has your unique characteristics, your strengths, your authenticity and your purpose. No one can do what you are capable of in quite the manner you do it in.
That makes you incredibly worthy – own it!

Values are the energetic drivers of our aspirations and intentions. Our values reflect what is important to us and they shape the way we live our lives.The more a person lives in alignment with their values, the more self- worth and self- appreciation they will cultivate. Take time to identify your values. Make a list of your values. Finding your values and clarifying them is one of the first steps towards true self-awareness.
Value examples –
Dependability, Reliability, Royalty, Commitment
Open-mindedness, Consistency, Honesty, Efficiency…..
keep going…..

Make this your mantra everyday this week…

Jo Ettles