In the midst of chaos, find stillness

Many of us spend time juggling between work, home, responsibilities, commitments and the busyness that accompanies everyday life. When you see a statement like – “In the midst of chaos and overwhelm – find stillness”, you are probably thinking that quiet reflection and stillness is only attainable to those who either attend a wellness retreat or alternatively, become Zen masters!  

If life feels a little crazy and you are feeling less than Zen, I have some good news for you.

Stillness, peace and calm are within all of us. You don’t actually need to attend a retreat to experience it (but hey, if you have the time to head to a retreat..go for it!) You don’t need to commit to a Zen monastery either to find your inner peace. Each and every single one of us can be  still and centred, peaceful and calm anywhere and anytime.

Although it takes practice, It is a conscious and very empowering choice to remain calm and centred when you are under pressure, but always remember this –  your internal conditions create your external conditions. Peace begins with you.

I hope these tips inspire you to find your peace.

You create energy – positive or negative
Marianne Williamson said “Everything we do is infused with the energy in which we do it. If we’re frantic, life will be frantic. If we are peaceful, life will be peaceful.” If you find yourself in the midst of chaos and drama, stop and take a moment. Don’t enter into the chaos. Shift your perception so that you become an observer of the event instead of being infused in the drama. Don’t react, just observe. Learn to recognise that this too shall pass.

Tips to help develop a calm and rational mind
 Stop. When you find yourself caught up in a difficult situation, take a moment to separate from the circumstance for a moment or two. Take a deep breath  and make a commitment to not react.

 Listen. Listen carefully. It is really easy to interpret things incorrectly when emotions start to kick in. Don’t let emotion over- ride what is being said. Keep focussed and be sure that you listen before reacting or responding.

 Think. Is there something you need to learn from this experience?
Make sure you examine all aspects of the situation.

Train yourself to stop, listen and think in chaos. This simple practice will allow you to come from a place of peace and calm  so that you can respond if and when you need to in a way that is right for you.

Lots of noise can really be a massive stress factor. Too much noise for me personally, just exhausts me. Pay attention to how much noise is around you. Limit noise by turning off radios, tv’s or anything too distracting. Try and find space in your day just to be silent. Silence and stillness go hand in hand. Take time daily to be silent, still and quiet. Even 10 minutes a day, can help you to cultivate more stillness. Just taking 10 minutes a day to be silent and still can evoke all sorts of beautiful and peaceful emotions.

The power of the breath
I know I write a lot about deep breathing, but it is one of the most powerful ways to bring your body, mind and spirit into balance.   If you want to find peace, calm and stillness instantly, do some deep breathing. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and scan through your body, looking for any areas that are holding tension, stress or anxiety. Focus on these areas as you breathe deeply with the intention of relaxing the area with every inhale and exhale. You will find an increased sense of calmness with every breath. The beauty of this is, you can do it anywhere and anytime.

 Take a stillness break
When you notice that you are in a state of overwhelm and if you feel stressed, distracted or just incredibly under the pump, take a stillness break. Even if it is just for a few moments, take a stillness break to gather your thoughts, breathe, refocus, get some fresh air and interrupt the state that you are in.
In this stillness break, commit to becoming present and acknowledging all of the amazing things we take for granted on a daily basis. Notice the little things. During this break, can you find gratitude in that moment? Thankfulness creates gratitude which generates contentment that causes peace.

In this fast-paced world, we rarely get to experience stillness and peace but the greatest skill you and I can have is the ability to find stillness. The more we practice, the easier it gets so make it a priority to practice finding inner peace and being still and present.
When you come from a place of peace, you will find that you can face anything.
Wishing you wellness in Mind, Body & Spirit
Jo Ettles