I know I focus a lot in my articles on smashing goals, being the best version of yourself and living your most productive and beautiful life. I have always been really passionate about honouring our time here on earth and I will continue to remind people to LIVE and not EXIST for as long as I am able. Life is such a gift and I believe we must make every make every day count.
I know some of you must read my articles and think – seriously…what planet is she on. How can I possibly achieve all that and some plus make each day count while I am managing motherhood, a full time career and managing day to day life in general?
I totally understand how life just gets chaotic and often it feels like there is barely enough time to achieve the never-ending everyday demands let alone smash out your personal goals, vision, hopes and dreams.
Why is it that some of us achieve everything and more and then some of us…not so much?
I have always prioritised energy management as the greatest way to achieve the most out of your days and I know many of you are serious energy bankers now thanks to my teachings about managing your energy. But dont forget that one of the most effective skills you can have in life is powerful and effective time management and if you can master both time management and energy management, it is absolutely life changing.
The thing is, it is not about having the time, it is about freeing up time effectively and then making it count.
Unfortunately there are no 25 hour days on the horizon anytime soon so if not having enough time is an issue for you, the first step to rectifying this is to find out where your time actually goes each day.
Hopefully, the following tips might help you to improve your time management skills if they are an issue!
Digital Detox
Research shows that on average, adults spend 5.9 hours a day on digital media. A recent Australian survey reports that people now spend more time on their smartphones than they do talking to their partner or friends and some Australians are spending close to 10 hours a day on internet connected devices. It is really important to take stock of how much time you are spending on social media, emails, netflix, apps etc and if your technology time is excessive and unproductive, power down and reclaim some of your lost time. Limit your time spent in this area to half even and use this time to work on your hopes, dreams, wellness or re-organising your life.
Get more sleep
I know you are thinking well, how on earth will getting more sleep free up some more time for me?To a degree, it doesnt even make sense!
When you feel well rested you are far more capable of managing all of your daily obligations. You have more energy and you are far better equipped to manage stress. So, instead of burning the candle at both ends, call it quits early and get a beautiful nights sleep. This is seriously vital for maintaining your energy bank and keeping up with time.
Make 2 lists
List one – Acknowledge your joy
What do you love to do?
Make a short list including at least 3 things that bring you joy and make sure these 3 things are factored into your week.
List two-Acknowledge your time wasters
What weekly activities can you eliminate or reduce?
What regular activities do you partake in that are not necessarily the best use of your time?
Are there ways to reduce, minimize or eliminate these things?
For example – Do you grocery shop everyday, once a week or online?
Do you fuss with meal prep everyday or are you totally organised and prepared for a new week by having a Sunday meal prepping session that covers a few family dinners?
Eliminate anything that is an unnecessary waste of your time and if it cant be eliminated, find a better way to achieve the end result.
Re-think your routines
Often we get totally stuck in routines that are anything but productive.
Carefully examine your current routines.
Are they working for you?
Can they be improved,scaled back or eliminated all together?
You’re in charge of your life. If you are running the same routine daily out of habit and it is way passed it’s used by date, maybe it is time to change things up. Every hour of your life you spend poorly is a piece of your life wasted so create effective routines that will allow you to free up some time and space so you can do more of the things you love.
Tell yourself that you have plenty of time
If you hear yourself saying, ‘I don’t have enough time,’
then you need to stop that phrase in it’s tracks.
Instead, start telling yourself…
‘I have all the time I need for all the things I need to do.’
Declaring your intentions verbally in a positive way has a wonderful effect not only on your mind but also on your body. It helps to relax you instantly. I hear people say constantly that they dont have enough time to follow their dreams, but seriously, take the time to question this belief. Instead of lamenting lack of time, make the absolute most of it.
I cannot stress enough how powerful it is to live without clutter.
I am so passionate about decluttering our minds, our hearts, our bodies, our environment, our circle of influence, I wrote a book on it!
When our homes, our workplaces, and our lives have a sense of order and organisation,
we feel more in control and less stressed out. If you failed to declutter before the beginning of 2019, don’t despair. Spend 15 minutes a day from today decluttering whatever needs to be decluttered. Before you know it, you will feel more in control and you can start to focus on all the beautiful and joyous things you want to add to your life.
We all get the same amount of time each day -24 hours, that is non-negotiable.
I think it is vital to manage your energy first and foremost but understand that to be really productive and achieve all that and more, be mindful of your energy, plus your time, plus your attention.
All three are absolutely essential if you want to make the most out of each day.
Jo Ettles